Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bargain Of Love....

I Wanted to Hug You...
I Wanted to Kiss You...
I Wanted You to be Mine...
Just That You Calculated...
And You Preferred a DOLLAR than a DIME.............

I Wanted to say a lot of things….
But I couldn’t and stopped….
Just that you missed to see my Eyes…
And You SAW a Better Crafted ‘Propped’…………….

I Never Wanted to be ‘SMART’ with You….
I preferred being Stupid than Smart…
Just that you Misinterpreted…
And You inclined for the Mirage that had the Fake Sparkling Part………

I Just Wanted to Love You..
I Just Wanted to Love You...
Just I Wanted You to be Mine...
Just That You Calculated, Calculated and Calculated...
And You Only Preferred a DOLLAR than a DIME.............

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