Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Unfortunate....

After writing a few crappy Poems that screwed your mood to the extent level, and out of the blogging world for about 4 months for various petty reasons like Work Pressures, off mood, office protocols of blocking the blogs on the Laptop and a few more to add to the list, here I am again with another crappy stuff to bug you with kinda peculiar genre of assembling experiences which can be considered, well I dont know a 'Shortest' Story may be.

The Unfortunate

Sunil was a common boy from the middle class family in the city of Kolkata (with middle class term towards the poorer side), growing up and learning from childhood to be patient and restricted with wishes. Seeing all his friends wearing branded clothes, branded watches, sometimes even turning out to be a prank in the friends circle, he never complained and satisfied himself with hard bargaining 'foottrack' watches and clothes of brand names which seems to be kind of coming from companies of Antarctica. He grew up, went to college, fell in love. Life seemed to be a bit smooth. With high flying promises to each other and having self belief, he dreamt a Perfect life of achieving every goals of his career and making everything on his own that he didn't get and living a fairy tale life with his love. But keeping a girlfriend nowadays is costly and false filmy promises of "Na chaahoon sona chaandi, na chaahoon heera moti..Yeh mere kis kaam ke..Na maangoon bangla baadi, na maangoon ghoda gaadi..Yeh to hain bas naam ke..Deti hai dil de badle mein dil ke..Pyaar mein sauda nahin"  doesn't work out at all, he realized very soon. Promises are meant to be broken and it only takes a Goodbye SMS, he was not aware of the fact. It happened. Sunil didn't complain. He kept numb. He was so very used to of not complaining at all. With planets not liking his face (he was not a very cut to cut good looking guy though) and creating greater problems in life of unemployment with recession striking all over the world, the guy still kept on fighting. Bogged down by responsibilities Sunil became a machine, crumbling his own wishes everyday. Managing to bag a good job by now his life was restricted in going to office in the morning, coming back late and again repeating the same process the next morning. Good clothes, good watches he could afford now but life seemed to be a bit empty. There was nothing much of a charm left till one day he suddenly met a girl. Diya was kind of a different girl. Sweet, bubbly, full of life and with simple wishes. Sunil's life was changing bit by bit. Some happiness was flowing in. With a second innings dream of a Raymonds's complete man's life, Sunil  was happy.

Happiness is a very slippery category and always it finds a chance to escape out. With the girl's family expecting a too much well settled groom, Sunil was not that much up to to that expectation. The race against  the time started. More Problems were climbing up the chart. In a scenario of a typical Hindi movie plot, Sunil could not do much of a heroic stunt like escaping the girl or becoming a millionaire on one fine morning. Fighting all his life with his ill fortunes and expectations swirling round, Sunil was too much disgusted and finally gave up the race. A night completely dedicated to toxication and pegs after pegs getting high on his head, Sunil had a black out leading to severe damage of brain.When he woke up to his senses after being senseless for few days, there was Diya still beside him in the hospital. She has managed to convince her family. She still has only one wish in her eyes, that is to be with Sunil. Life always is not that Bitch.

Sunil has been given a pink slip for his illness. He does not work in a MNC any more  He has a very simple life style. He works in a small company now and re shifted to not branded clothes and unknown  'foottrack' watches. With all these less charmed stuffs, he has one precious thing now, that is Diya. They have found out the meaning of the word 'Happy'.

The Unfortunate has learnt from his life to sing a popular track quite well now, not from the epiglottis but  right from the heart, "ALL IS WELL" .